
what are the content management services

Our Content management services help companies manage, store, and publish digital content. We enable companies to efficiently organize the creation and sharing of content with their customers. Our structure and unstructured content management processes ensures content is streamlined to be used to managing application, blogs, inhouse tools, social media feeds, and other business processes.

We provide content management services allowing users to effectively collaborate and contribute within the Organization’s business workflow .

Enterprise content management solutions

Our experience in Content Management System facilitate customer’s in creation, management, distribution, publishing and discovery of information through documents and web content management tools with workflow capabilities. We have designed consistent and scalable informational architecture taking into account – metadata, classification, navigation, search, layout and design.

Through automation, tool integration, collaboration, and workflow procedures, our content management services enable businesses to cut content production expenses.

Akratech’s professional team of content developers, technical writers, Editors, UI/UX designers, business analysts, and project managers understand how to build and deploy content management solutions as well as create technical content for your products, and software.

How it works

How our content management services work

Akratech first assess your needs and goals before proposing the best way to treat your content. We will utilize our vast talents and significant experience to customize your content solutions, whether you need us to compose, illustrate, format, animate, organize, synchronize, manage, translate, and publish your material or a fraction of those efforts.

content management

With our vast CMS software experience in WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, PHP Nuke, Radiant, eZ, DotNetNuke, and others, you can now manage , deploy and organize your website content in a lot more convenient and user-friendly manner.

We are experienced with popular tools and resources to support various CMS applications covering web content management, digital asset management, portal content management, enterprise content management, document content management, and source content management.

Content Management Service

  • Web Content Management
  • Digital Asset Management
  • Enterprise Content Management
  • Portal Content Management

CMS Software & Integration

  • Joomla Development
  • Drupal Development
  • WordPress Development
  • Liferay Development

Web Content Management solutions by akratech

We offer complete end to end web content lifecycle services providing simple tools to create, update, publish, manage and archive content, allowing multi-users to effectively contribute content and collaborate.

We provide integrated authoring environment for content creators , with wide range of features with all required formatting to publish content. Few of the features we provide as part of content creation are Multi-user authoring, Meta data creation, Cross links, Content re-use etc.

The pages generated through the CMS engine are controlled via customized style sheets and page templates. Information is presented as per user roles through personalization. A comprehensive usage statistics is provided to determine the success of the content portal.

We provide version control and archiving with a powerful workflow model that can be easily customized. We would have built in security with the required audit trails to protect the integrity of the content.  Besides we provide extensive range of customized reports based on the user roles

Benefits of integrated content authority

Unlocking the benefits of integrated content authority

Our Integrated content authoring services provide a simplified process for creating and managing digital content, enabling organizations to quickly develop an effective workflow for producing high-quality online experiences. With Akratech you can benefits with increased collaboration between teams, better customer engagement, more efficient use of resources, and faster content delivery.

Our Integrated content authoring services provide a simplified process for creatWe provide an integrated authoring environment for content creators, with a wide range of features with all required formatting to publish content. A few of the features we provide as part of content creation are Multi-user authoring, Metadata creation, Crosslinks, Content reuse, SEO-Friedly Content, etc. ing and managing digital content, enabling organizations to quickly develop an effective workflow for producing high-quality online experiences. With Akratech you can benefits with increased collaboration between teams, better customer engagement, more efficient use of resources, and faster content delivery.

benefits of content authority

Ensure consistency in look and feel of the website

We ensure pages generated through the CMS engine are controlled via customized style sheets and page templates. Information is presented as per user roles through personalization. Comprehensive usage statistics are provided to determine the success of the content portal.

Have A Project in Mind?

Making Enterprises Stand Out With our Content Management Solutions.

Our CMS Services like web content management, portal content management, course content, and other CMS services will help your business in explosive growth.

Customized CMS

Get most from your application with a secure and customized CMS

Our secure and customizable content management system (CMS) provide unique advantage in your business which ensures access levels to essential components, preventing malicious or unauthorized alterations. We build custom CMS which allows users to handle the platform to their specific organizational needs, making it easier to manage and update information on-the-fly. This can help businesses craft robust websites and applications; ensuring optimal performance and heightened security for important data

We provide version control and archiving with a powerful workflow model that can be easily customized. We would have built-in security with the required audit trails to protect the integrity of the content. Besides we provide an extensive range of customized reports based on the user roles.

secure customized cms

Some of our past work

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